Sunday 3 August 2008


Well I'm pretty sure all of ya'lls know what hypocritism is. Here's a fucking good example:

Anwar says BN MPs will be jumping to Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat cheers. Whoop de fucking doo! We got da gomen!

BN and PAS hold talks. Pakatan Rakyat says it's unfair to voters if PAS joins BN because we trusted PAS and voted for them.

So it's ok to the voters who voted BN MPs and they jump ship, but it's not ok if PAS joins BN? Personally I dont want PAS to join BN simply because there wouldn't be a strong opposing voice in the Parliament.

Moral of the story: Never trust a fuckin politician :D:D


anfield devotee said...

Yo Tinesh,

Regarding yer post. You make a very valid point & only the most misguided will say otherwise. But dude, enough with the 'don't trust politician' shite la. Please tell me something me don't know. Me has heard way too many people bandy that fooking phrase like it was written in stone and was delivered down Mt Sinai . . . yesterday!

Everyone knows politicians are scum. But like me said at me blog - these fookers are a neccessary evil in a parliamentary democracy. Fact of fooking life.

As fer PAS? Me knew BN would hit back with similar dirty fooking tactics to counter its own MPs jumping ship. Its called politics. Love or loathe it, we need to be involved as the stakes are so fooking high!

You've read me post today & am asking you to put up a post & also cajole any of yer above-21 mates to go register. You may not be eligible to vote but that don't mean you cannot actively participate in a different manner.

How? On?

Tinesh said...

Haha point made and taken home..definitely on la..I will do my part no worries.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

those who tried to undermine PAS's ability to hold talks with scumbags better think again. PAS are no fools. as TGNA has consistently said which i'm sticking with, if they think the race has split, then join PAS, end of story.

and you my friend, why the need to write a lengthy explanation when you can just sum it up in one word- EZAM!

xniquet said...

well said on the prollydicks :P

thanks for ordering Pinksterz doctor tool set, and that would be USD50 plz :P

anyway, will let you know if i happen to print those tee XD

Praxi said...


And I still have no say on all of this. A state of hybernation. Till I'm out and posting from Eire...

Between you and me, it's been itching for a scratch!