Wednesday 10 October 2007

Blast Off!!!

No no no!!! It's not the music competition on astro channel 16 or 705 or someting la. In case you've been living in a cave all this month, here's a news update. Malaysia is sending a man into space. Possibly two if the rakyat has pity on the other guy and wants to blow US$ 12 million ( RM 40.8 million).

A few months ago, everyone was like HUH? when someone high on top said that the Angkasawan (or if i saw an advertisement right, it's Angkasa1..fuyoo) will be making teh-tarik in space. No shit. But how in the name of the late Pluto are you gonna make teh-tarik in space?? I mean, if you tilt the cup upside down, the tea's gonna float, not fall into the other cup. And if you wanna make teh-tarik in space, why send a doctor?? Send la your local mamak..Professional mah.

Of course, like most Malaysians, I hope that nothing goes wrong during the blast off. But imagine this:

Millions of proud Malaysians tune in to RTM 1 for the occasion.

"Inilah saudara-saudari..Masa untuk mencatat sejarah telah tiba.."

"Negara kita akan menjadi negara pertama di Asia Tenggara untuk menghantar angkasawan"

"Marilah kita sama-sama kira...Tiga.....Dua.....Satu"

And NOTHING happens.

Or there's a loud farting noise and then nothing.

I know for one I'll be laughing my ass off..How about you??

PS: Excuse my Malay, it sucks.
PPS: Excuse the US flag on the shuttle. There's none with the Malaysian flag

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