Sunday 19 April 2009

New Age Upon Us

Howdy you bastards. To those who still visit my blog (as evident by the morons who type weird stuff on google), thanks for sticking by. To those about to rock, I salute you.. errrr.. Whatever.

Anywayz, unless you were living in a fuckin secluded cave in Malaysia (Gua Niah dowh!), you would know that Malaysia has a new PM. Fuck you if you dont. Even my friends who aren't Malaysians and are overseas know (as evident by 3kc's remark: What Najib? Why not what's the other guy's name....errr.. Owh yea! Anwar Ibrahim. She's in US and not a Malaysian. I'm talking crap).

So, this Najib fler (who is he la????) is the new PM. Took over from what's-his-face. So, his incoming Prime Minister-tial speech had something about 1Malaysia. Like, you know, like one Malaysia, one people, one love kinda thing. Very promising shit, I mean stuff. Haven't heard a thing about corruption from him though. Anywayz, alotta people don't want him as he is suspectably (?) involved in some shady shit. Innocent until proven guilty is what I say.

Yea, so ermm, ermm, he wants to make changes. HAH! Bullshit! Liar liar, pants on fire. Argh, I cant remember what I wanted to say (I'm just writing exactly as I think in my head). But but usual la. These politicians. Say all the nice things and then you realise he just fucked you over. No changes seen in the past few weeks he's been in office.

BUT, now the media cannot mention Razak Baginda's name. Oopsy! How silly of me. I just mentioned his name. This Razak fler is a close friend of Najib. And was supposedly involved in said shady shit. And now noone can mention his name about the shady shit. Only must focus (I like it in BM better: FOKUS) on the two policemen who were sentenced to hang. Cheh, no more freedom of media speech. Eh what the fuck am I talking about? Nothing new kan?

Enuff about Najib. This Anwar fler now. Why is he making alotta buy-elections? BY-elections I meant. Fucker. My dad doesn't pay tax for you to make buy elections ok? Pantat. Eh fucker, who you think you are? Enuff la dey. Dah lah my dad can only send me to Aussie and not US and you waste my dad's money for buy elections. Pukipantat. I can go to bledi US and meet Mr Obama and his new dog ok? And you go and spoil it for me. Noone fucking died so why must sack some sonofabeech (italian accent) and force a buy election. And then BN dont wana fight now summore. Haiz

Your demand for attention something something according to Honestly - Tempered Mental which I'm currently listening. Your bloody demand for attention. The Tempered Mental girl says you and I should be happy and free now, beautiful somehow. You go and make things ugly for what? And Black Label - Lamb of God says something I cant fucking understand even with the lyrics. So why why why?

Fuck you all. I'm layaning the tipsyness as I write this. Dont fucking wonder anymore why I can crap better than you. Because I'm fucking awesome. I fucking rock the world and all you can do is sit down and wank or suck cock. Which I'm pretty sure you're amazing at. I should start blogging more often. Problem is I'm feeling like a Freak on a Leash and I can see, I can see I'm going Blind - KoRn. Jacob Dylan tried turning the engine, but the engine didn't turn. And he lost his only friend. Poor fler.

Finals are on and one last paper to go before Langkawi (hopefully). I miss Tai Ti and I had a weird dream about Left 4 Dead after playing it. My life fucking rocks. So I'm not complaining. Owh the tipsyness rocks better :D

ps: Banana banana banana terracota banana terracota terracota pie yo!! I'm in the Viscinity of Obscenity :D

pps: If you wanna comment, dont fucking tell me I dont make sense. I would know when I read this tomorrow :D

ppps: Love you bastards


Praxi said...

At the time you wrote that, if I slapped neat twice one on each cheek, you'd laugh back at me!

Ps: as long as whats-his-face is out.

Praxi said...

slapped you*

Tinesh said...

Leah: yea hahaha i prolly would actually

anfield devotee said...

Hmmm . . . Why another by-election?

Coz PKR is supposed to adhere to new principles that if you do wrong, ye'll be punished . . . THAT'S FOOKING WHY!

Unless of course you prefer the barisan model which allows criminal despots to go unpunished & remain in office ferever?

ps: Get to go to Oz & get an overseas education pun mau bising lebeh ah. Talk about sounding like spoiled brat . . . (sorry, but drunk or not, you do sound like a bitch in this posting) . . .

siedne said...

har har tinesh u's funny when u's tipsy. naise.

Mike Campton said...

bro i love the way you rant man. well, knowing you, couldn't expect anything less right? haha. link me up man.

Tinesh said...

DP: Haha thanks dude. I think I should be drunk everytime I write. Yea I'll link you up :D

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

instead of hustle and bustle of LA/NY life, you have to settle for the eerie aussie outback. my deepest condolence man.

Tinesh said...

Kerp: Exactly right? But my only consolation is that I got loadsa friends there la. Macam Kampung Malaysia CD says

Unit Siber Malaysia said...

Amaran kerajaan Malaysia.

Anda adalah dilarang berhujah ataupun mengatakan sebarang isu-isu sensitif seperti politik yang bakal menimbulkan persilisihan faham antara rakyat Malaysia.

Amaran ini adalah rasmi dan blog anda bakal ditutup sekiranya perkara ini diulangi.
