Wednesday 20 February 2008

Question, boobs and fascination..

Sittin in college today, selling food to raise money for the snowstorm victims in China, everyone at the table were cracking jokes..And The Constantly Dramatic One (yes, we go to the same college and hang out with same friends) posed a question to me...


Well, I answered cause it's always covered. But Sharin said that some people don't cover them and I was blanked..

So dear people who read my blog.. Please let me know why guys are fascinated by boobies aite??

On a different note but on the same time, CD has changed my name to TineshA cause I appeared to look gay in a pic I took with her..And all the other pics after that failed miserably cause these psychos were makin me laff..BUGGER ALL THIS LARK!!!


Kerp (Ph.D) said...

i didnt know you posed the same q. i've given my 2 sens at CDO's and even agreed on your take. But i tell you this my man, this q can never be answered unless you're one sexual scientist or something gay like that.

Tinesh said...

Lol yea..Let's ask this in Yahoo Questions lol..

Thnx for agreeing wimme but it was countered pretty well la..